
Terms and Condition

Instructor account

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  • Should be logged in ten minutes prior to the scheduled session
  • Should be well mannered and should always use kind, decent and encouraging words to the students. Shouldn't use any discouraging or demotivating words
  • Should not ask/ demand/ collect any personal information of the students such as address, phone number, email id etc
  • Should follow the materials provided by MARALIKA to teach
  • Should complete the assigned student and course within the allotted time period without fail.
  • Should not copy, share, download,take image/photo/screenshot of the materials provided by MARALIKA and should not copy the teaching methods of MARALIKA for use in any other platform.
  • Should not record audio and , or video of the sessions or the students. In case of any such incidents the instructor will be immediately removed from MARALIKA
  • Should not consume food or any drinks other than water through an ongoing session
  • Should not mock the students for their appearance, skin colour, nationality, pronunciation etc and should not indulge in any kind of abuse like verbal, racial etc . MARALIKA doesn't support or encourage any kind of abuses. In case, any complaint arises against any instructor that particular instructor will be removed from MARALIKA without any intimation
  • Should not cancel the assigned session. If in any unavoidable circumstances , the particular instructor should inform MARALIKA , at least five hours prior to the session
  • Tutors will receive the agreed remuneration only after completing the entire course and after correcting the test papers ,if any. MARALIKA doesn't offer any advance or partial remuneration.
  • Should be truthful to the details given in the registration form

The decision making capacity to accept, reject or remove an instructor rests only with Maralika Online Languages Pvt Ltd