It is always nice to celebrate together. Diwali is such a great occasion, which brings happiness all around. Diwali or Deepavali is called the festival of lights. Each and every home and every street and road are lit up with lamps and lanterns. It is indeed a beautiful sight.

There is always a story behind every festival. The story of Diwali is related to Ram, the king of Ayodhya. It is believed that Ram along with Seeta and Lakshmana reached Ayodhya on this day after defeating Ravana.

This narration is an attempt to articulate some thoughts surrounding Seeta. If Dussehra  is the day when Ravana was killed by Ram, is there any connection between Seetaa and  Navadurgas?  If Deepavali is the day Ram, Seeta and Lakshman reached Ayodhya, and Diwali is also the occasion to worship Lakshmi, Is there any connection between Lakshmi, Seeta , lamps and diyas?



Seetadevi sat under the tree. She is in Lanka now. She had the intuition that she could meet Rama very soon

Seeta, the personification of purity was worshipping Maa Adiparashakti everyday. In those dark and desperate days, Seeta lit the lamp, with the name and form of Maa Durga.

Seetadevi decided to worship the nine pure yet powerful forms of Maa Durga. Maa Durga in the form of Shailputri, the beautiful young maiden daughter of Himalaya, came into her mind. Seeta immersed herself in the thought of Shailputri and meditated upon her and prayed to give her enough strength to pass through this miserable situation

The next day Seetadevi prayed to Maa Brahmacharini, a satwik form of Maa Durga. Seeta pleaded to this supreme mother who is the abode of all the living and non living, for forgiveness to any fault or mistakes by thought, words or deed, intentionally or unintentionally. Seeta immersed herself in japa   and meditated upon this satwik form of Maa Durga and prayed for her blessings

Seetadevi invoked Maa Chandrakhanta on the  third day. Maa Durga in this form is adorned with a crescent moon, who rides on a tiger, who wields weapons, and is holding japamala and lotus too. With one of the hands she protects her devotees and with the other she gives boons. Seetadevi prayed to this benign and  powerful form of Maa Durga.

Maa Kushmanda was the next form of Durga whom Seeta worshipped. This powerful benign form of Maa Durga rides on a lion and the power of entire universe exists inside Maa Kushmanda, like an egg. Seetadevi meditated upon her that day and night

On the fifth day Seetadevi invoked Skanda Mata, mother of Kartikeya. With her son on her lap, wrapping her  hand around him with love, she rides on a lion. Seetadevi prayed to this wonderful form for protection and motherly love.

On the sixth day, Seetadevi prayed to Durga Maa as Katyayani Devi, who rides on a fierce lion. She has a lotus in one of her hands which shows her kindness and love. Seetadevi meditated upon this divine form of Katyayani Devi who is adorned with beautiful ornaments.

Maa Kalaratri is a fierce form of Maa Durga. Maa  Kalaratri is the symbol of courage, power, destruction and auspiciousness. She destroys the evil and restores the balance. Maa kalaratri rides on donkey and has three red eyes, skull garland as ornament, and she carries various weapons too. Seetadevi worshipped Maa Kalaratri with complete devotion and respect on the seventh day and prayed for her blessings

The next day Seetadevi prayed to Mahagauri, who rides  an ox . The only weapon she has is a trident. On the other two hands she holds a damaru and lotus. She shows the abhayamudra with one of her hands. Mahagauri empowers her devotees and protects and shields them from evil. Seetadevi worshipped her intensely and prayed for her protection

On the ninth day Seetadevi invoked Maa Sidhidatri with utmost respect and devotion. Maa Durga in this supremely blissful form confers all supernatural powers on her devotees. She is sitting on a fully bloomed lotus and holds discuss and mace on two of her hands which shows her might and courage. On the other two hands she holds a lotus and conch which represents her beauty and purity. Seetadevi intensely meditated upon this auspicious form of Maa Durga and prayed for her blessings.

The next day was tenth day of Seetadevi ‘s tapasya. News reached her  that Rama had won the battle and soon she will be united with Rama. On that day she invoked Maa Vijaya Devi with utmost gratitude and humility. She thanked the supreme mother for giving strength and patience throughout. Seetadevi felt the days of darkness, ignorance, confinement, instability and uncertainties are over.


Seetadevi who is the personification of purity herself, still wanted to do the ablutions., The ablutions with fire! 

Seetadevi entered the sacred fire pit without any fear. She burnt all the impure thoughts of ignorance. She offered it as the sacrifice to fire which burns everything. The sacred fire accepted all her offerings.

Seetadevi enjoyed the sound of flames moving up and down. She enjoyed the little crackling sound of sparks. She bathed on the sacred fire leisurely. The power of fire was on her will, on her command!

Energised by that sacred fire, Seetadevi stepped out of the fire pit glowing like a golden flame

The people gathered there were amazed to witness all these. Those who knew Seetadevi were aware of her siddhis. They had heard about Seetadevi’s commanding power over the elements. It is said that mother earth manifested herself infront of Seetadevi upon her command. That was Seetadevi! That much was her power!


In Ayodhya there was no place for negative emotions (tamogunas). People were always happy, peaceful, energetic,kind and prosperous. They had heard about the fierce battle between Rama and Ravana. They know that Rama is peace loving individual but he won’t run away if war is inevitable and he is invincible whoever his opponent be.

Now prince Rama and princess Seeta is returning to Ayodhya after years of exile. People of Ayodhya celebrated the occasion with great enthusiasm.

News of Seetadevi’s tapasya and subsequent agnishuddhi reached much earlier than Rama and Seeta themselves.  All the women admired her. They just wanted to have a look, just wanted to see her with their own eyes. Seetadevi ensured her presence.  She sat and conversed with them. They couldn’t take their eyes off of her. While hesitantly  returning,  they invited her to their homes. They requested Seetadevi to come to their homes and energise and purify with her presence. Seetadevi promised to visit each and every home in the kingdom of Ayodhya.

People cleaned their homes, road to their homes, surroundings too. They decorated their homes with flowers and toran, made colourful rangolis wherever possible. They lit diyas in the evening and burst firecrackers at night. Those were the days of celebrations.

They imagined the gracious presence of Seetadevi in their homes, which was no less than getting a boon. Seetadevi’s tapasya and agnishuddhi became the topic of new and never ending stories in Ayodhya. It was the talk, if there were a group of people together, it was the theme of the story the grandmother would tell her grandchildren repeatedly, to which the children would like to listen to repeatedly.

Because she will be passing bythe way, lamps and lanterns were lit every nook and corner. The roadsides were decorated with colorful rangoli.   People expected, wished her to come or at least pass by their way. And it was Seetadevi who will never ignore their expectations and wishes.

As promised Seetadevi visited each and every home in the kingdom of Ayodhya, rich or poor, big or small, far or near. She walked through every road. They welcomed her with flower garlands and aarti.  To represent her command over the elements earth and fire, they lit earthen lamps in front of their homes.  People showered her with love. Out of love and concern, some elderly ladies scolded her for entering into fire and told her not to do it again. Some of them warned her not to play with fire. Some asked her whether she burned herself, and are there any burn marks on her. Seetadevi happily answered all their queries.

For them Seetadevi was none other than Goddess Mahalakshmi who bestows all the happiness and prosperity

Because Seetadevi is one of a kind and the people of Ayodhya were one of a kind, they were celebrated every year. They  are remembered time and again.



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